Once you’ve received your voucher, log in here with your full voucher reference details. Here, you'll be able to view the locations where you can use your voucher.
To book your experience, you will first need to generate a unique booking code. Upon generating, you will be issued two separate Vue cinema booking codes.
Each Vue booking code is valid for one admission to a standard 2D screening at all Vue locations in the UK, excluding Vue West End and Leicester Square. The codes are not valid for Premiers, Big Screen Events, or alternative/special showings.
Redeem your codes online as a promo code on the 'Review and Pay' page or at the Box Office, but not by telephone. Once generated, your booking codes are valid for 30 days and cannot be extended, refunded, or changed. They are valid for single use only and cannot be reinstated or replaced once redeemed, including if you cancel your booking. Booking codes may not be used in conjunction with any other offer.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance! We're here to help you enjoy your Vue experience.